The International Patient Summary key health data, worldwide

The international patient summary and the extensibility requirement : publication

By Stephen Kay, Giorgio Cangioli and Michael Nusbaum: 

“The international patient summary and the extensibility requirement” 
published in Studies in Health Technology and Informatics: 2020

In proceedings of pHealth, (Eds. B. Blobel et al) September 2020. Published online with Open Access by IOS Press) pp54-62 (opens a new tab)

The International Patient Summary Standard (EN 17269) normalizes the dataset within the European Guideline on cross-border exchange of a patient summary. This dataset has been widely appreciated and been taken as the basis for projects in both Europe and wider afield, e.g., U.S.A, Canada and more. The dataset is a relatively mature dataset and it is currently in its third iteration (i.e., 2013, 2016, 2020). Even so, to move from a policy-driven guideline to a formal standard was not straight forward. The paper describes how the ‘minimal and non-exhaustive’ dataset could be the basis for a reference standard; one that was intended to facilitate both an ‘implementable’ and ‘sustainable’ solution. In particular, the requirement of ‘extensibility’ for the standard dataset had to be addressed.

See also the presentation on this publication in PDF