The International Patient Summary key health data, worldwide

Argentina advances in the implementation of the IPS

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Promoted by the National Ministry of Health, the IPS adoption strategy by the provinces is in its final stage. Through the interoperability bus of the Ministry of Health, the exchange of IPS documents between health organizations is allowed. In other words, a professional who cares for a patient in a health center connected to the bus can ask other centers that are part of the network if they have IPS documents for said patient. In case of obtaining a positive response, the original domain can request information that has been previously generated in other institutions to add it to the ongoing care.

Of course, all health information linked to a person belongs exclusively to that person and that a professional can only require information from a patient with the express consent of this patient; since the interoperability bus functions just as a “data highway”, health information move between organizations but in no case this information is recorded or persisted within the bus.

In 2020, 18 provinces managed to install this functionality in a pre-production environment (test environment). During the current year the jurisdictions were, and continue to work, in the implementation of the IPS in the production environment, that is, in the incorporation of this functionality in the electronic medical records used in the care centers. It is estimated that by the end of 2021 all 18 jurisdictions will have this tool in their productive environments.