Being able to carry all health data (e. g. diagnoses, medication, allergies, etc.) with you electronically at all times – this idea is not new! However, it is not everyday life either. Especially not when we think of communication crossing borders.
A first international specification, the International Patient Summary (IPS), allows the exchange of such core health data across national borders and is also intended for European data exchange. The German Interoperability Days in October in Berlin addresses the IPS and thoughts beyond.

DITATHON: Sounds exciting. What is that supposed to be? The DITATHON is a kind of hackathon for the German speaking countries that takes place in conjunction with the 7th German Interoperability Day (DIT). On October 19, 2022, small teams that are enthusiastic about programming and brimming with creativity will meet at the Colonia Nova event location in Berlin and dock their innovative ideas at the IPS. To demonstrate interoperability, that is clearly in the foreground, i.e. focus at the exchange of data and the data-related cooperation, and put less efforts on a perfect user guidance.
More information (exclusively in German):